Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Virtual Assistants

Many people would like to work from home if they had the opportunity but seem to feel that they are limited in what they could be doing. There seems to be a mistaken assumption that only writers work at home. But that really isn't the case at all. Another great and fulfilling at home career is that of a virtual assistant.

All you need is a home office and the willingness to work. Employers all over the world are outsourcing administrative and clerical duties to employees stationed at home. By being an independent virtual assistant you will be responsible for many tasks including handling customer service phone calls and data entry. The beauty of a VA job is being your own boss and setting your own rates and hours.

There are many sites devoted to working as a VA from home. Check out places like:

These links are a great place to get started and will link you through to more job postings and information. But remember, always stay on scam alert. Search for terms relevant to what you're seeking and try to stay away from keywords associated with work at home scams. And good luck!

1 comment:

Cheryl's Office said...

Make sure your home office furniture fits your work style. The new modular office furniture on the market these days is very functional. My productivity has increased multifold after I purchased a new desk and filing system. With new office furniture I have found the transition from working at the business office to a home office has become easier. I have also become more productive. There are many places to buy online. I found the quality and value of the furniture you can get to be above my expectations. Make sure you ask about the quality before you buy. Check out the discount office furniture if you get the opportunity.