Friday, February 29, 2008

Bottom Feeders: An Unfortunate Truth

Being a writer is not at all the glorious job that some people dream that it is. True there can be perks, for instance the fact that you can call yourself a writer. But aside from that, it's all about hard work and plenty of crap jobs. Don't get me wrong here, every job is a job that furthers your career and assists greatly in getting you the next job. But like in any career, you have to start from the bottom.

Starting out as a writer often means working hard for little pay. Clients have a tendency to assume that it's easy to be a writer and that it takes no real effort on our part. How sadly untrue that is. A bottom feeder is someone who offers you extremely little while asking for a fair amount of work. Sometimes there is no avoiding these projects. However, you need to know where to draw the line. Once you've successfully gained credibility and legitimate experience as a writer you have the freedom to choose your work and be a little picky doing it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Persistance Pays Off In Writing

It takes a brave person to head boldly into the writing world without giving up. Many people when faced with the adversity and dedication it takes to get that first job just quit when it doesn't pan out the way they had pictured it. My first job was compiling information on various antique wares for a website that specialized in the sale of those items. Not only did it pay little, it was also pretty boring. However, it was my first paying job and true credit on my writing resume. And we all have to start somewhere.

Scour the writing job boards and then scour them again. Eventually the right job will grab your attention. Place ads in appropriate places advertising your services as well. Marketing yourself is essential as a writer. Hit up all of the job listing sites and bid sites that you can. Once you get that first client it really gets the ball rolling to the next one.

During those slow periods when you're in between regular clientele, try your hand at writing for or They are pay per click sites but a good writer can make some extra cash there while improving their skills. Persistance is essential in landing that first, second and third job. It's all uphill from there.