Friday, February 29, 2008

Bottom Feeders: An Unfortunate Truth

Being a writer is not at all the glorious job that some people dream that it is. True there can be perks, for instance the fact that you can call yourself a writer. But aside from that, it's all about hard work and plenty of crap jobs. Don't get me wrong here, every job is a job that furthers your career and assists greatly in getting you the next job. But like in any career, you have to start from the bottom.

Starting out as a writer often means working hard for little pay. Clients have a tendency to assume that it's easy to be a writer and that it takes no real effort on our part. How sadly untrue that is. A bottom feeder is someone who offers you extremely little while asking for a fair amount of work. Sometimes there is no avoiding these projects. However, you need to know where to draw the line. Once you've successfully gained credibility and legitimate experience as a writer you have the freedom to choose your work and be a little picky doing it.

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