Sunday, May 18, 2008

Writing Is All About Your Determination

It's astoundingly common for freelance writers to hit a snag or two or many along their writing career journey. All too often new writers come blazing onto the scene filled with excitement and ready to work. But then they discover that jobs don't find you simply because you tout yourself as a freelance writer. Writing jobs are something that you must pursue. This can be frustrating and rewarding. But it requires some commitment.

It can take some time to land that first freelance writing job, especially when you don't have a current portfolio of writing samples. You may be required to start with a low paying job and work your way up rather than aiming for the highest ones from the start. Experience certainly helps. Once you have one paying job it opens the door for more to follow. Hanging in there for that first writing job is essential.

Many would be writers throw in the towel within the first week or so of little success. Job hunting in the freelance writing world takes some real dedication. If you're searching among online listings then consider how many writers are also applying for those jobs. It can take a while to land that first worthy writing gig.

What really matters is your determination as a freelance writer. It can take years to reach the level of success that some writers claim to have reached. Do you have it in you to last that long?

~Trina M. Lee

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