Wednesday, December 26, 2007

How Much Can You Make Writing For Submission Sites?

For the last year or so I have been freelance writing online. All of the work I have done to date has been for clients that I have found through websites like Bid sites like these can become tedious and tiring over time. Most of the clients offer well below deserved rates and many people are willing to work for that which ruins it for those of us who want to get paid what we feel our work is worth.

I've heard a lot of hype about sites like and being great places to get started as a fulltime writer online. So far I haven't had the patience to try my hand working on those sites. So this weekend I decided to give it a shot. I signed up to each of them and got started writing. After a couple of days I have made next to nothing on Helium but have received a message from Associated Content stating that they would like to offer me an up front payment for an article I submitted. It was about fires in the home and what comes after. Which I have first hand experience in since working in disaster restoration.

So if I hear anything further from these sites I will be sure to update. I joined a couple other similar sites as well. We'll see if they amount to anything. I've heard claims from writer's who swear they make $500 a month with these types of sites. I'm skeptical although I'm sure if one could build a regular following of readers over time, this could happen.

With all of the potential ways to make money online, some of them have got to be potential earners. In most cases it's quite easy to spot the scams. Anything asking for money certainly isn't going to be legit. Stay away from those.

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